Warkworth - Huge Site - Many Possibilities

41 Wilson Road, Warkworth
3 2 2 0 2
*The price estimate includes GST and is an indication of the build cost and includes land. It should be used as a rough guide. Refer to the About Pricing page for more information. Images are artist's impression only. Regional variations in products and building requirements may apply.
Listing Code: RN-13321
Rarely does a large north-facing site become available for purchase. You simply cannot afford to miss out on this exceptional opportunity. This stunning home boasts an expansive deck that basks in the warmth of the sun, offering breathtaking views of a vast, manicured lawn. Experience the ultimate in lifestyle living on the outskirts of town. Don't let this chance slip away!
Design Specifications
Floor Area191.1 m2
Porches3.6 m2
Total Area194.7 m2
Overall Size
Width (approximate)12.2 m
Length (approximate)20.4 m
Land Area771 m2
Karen Leversha
New Home Consultant

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