Sun Drenched Stunner

68, (Lot 2) Spioenkop Road, Mangawhai
4 2 2 0 2
*The price estimate includes GST and is an indication of the build cost and includes land. It should be used as a rough guide. Refer to the About Pricing page for more information. Images are artist's impression only. Regional variations in products and building requirements may apply.
Listing Code: RN-15675
Privately located, this North facing 4079m2 gently sloping site is your field of dreams. Design Guidelines in place to protect your asset. Our popular Meads Floorplan has been specifically chosen on this site to make the most of the Northern aspect and views. The 4 bedroom home includes a walk in pantry, study nook and great storage. A fantastic package, create the lifestyle you have fantasized about in Magical Mangawhai.
Design Specifications
Floor Area190.4 m2
Alfresco9.6 m2
Porches4.9 m2
Total Area204.9 m2
Overall Size
Width (approximate)13.1 m
Length (approximate)20.2 m
Land Area4079 m2
Scott Manwaring
New Home Consultant

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